Position | Notes | |
Chair | chair@lvoa.org | Serving as chair for matters that concern LVOA as a whole |
Vice-Chair | vchair@lvoa.org | Substituting for chair if the chair is not available |
Board Advisor | n/a | Assisting the board conforms to our bylaws and policies |
Corresponding Secretary | corsecretary@lvoa.org | Forwarding announcements to the general membership and receiving and distributing mail |
Delegate 1 | delegate1@lvoa.org | Serving as a delegate to world and region events |
Delegate 2 | delegate2@lvoa.org | Serving as a delegate to world and region events |
Alternate Delegate 1 | altdelegate1@lvoa.org | Serving as an alternate delegate to world and region events |
Alternate Delegate 2 | altdelegate2@lvoa.org | Serving as an alternate delegate to world and region events |
Literature | literature@lvoa.org | OA-approved books and pamphlets |
Meeting Lists | meetinglist@lvoa.org | Maintaining our list of meetings, both the hard-copy and online versions |
Newsletter | newsletter@lvoa.org | Creating a monthly newsletter |
Public Information and Professional Outreach | pipo@lvoa.org | Working with healthcare professionals and otherwise letting the public know about us |
Recording Secretary | recsecretary@lvoa.org | Taking and distributing meeting minutes |
Retreat | retreat@lvoa.org | Coordinating the intergroup retreat. |
Treasurer | treasurer@lvoa.org | Receiving and distributing funds |
Twelfth Step Within | twelvthstep@lvoa.org | Organizing and conducting our quarterly workshops |
Virtual Meetings | zoom@lvoa.org | Serving as go to person for setting up all virtual meetings |
Voicemail | voicemail@lvoa.org | Answering voicemails |
Web Manager | webmaster@lvoa.org | Managing LVOA website |